Watch out for the Joy Snatcher!

Watch out for the Joy Snatcher!

Debbie Sonberg - Keeper of Hope - Inspirational Speaker

Debbie Sonberg

Inspirational Speaker

(325) 227-5330

Watch out for the Joy Snatcher!

Joy SnatcherWatch out for the Joy Snatcher!
The Joy snatcher came when I was not watching. Oh, the many tools he uses: stress, worry, doubt, and discouragement. He used worry and stress to weigh down my mind and then toss a blanket of doubt and discouragement over my heart. Yep! He had my JOY all bundled up to steal. It was like a cold dark dreary day. But I knew, within me, was an invincible summer. I could not let him take my joy, so I fought back. I let go of worry and stress of what may happen months from now. I took my hammer of HOPE and knocked the doubt and discouragement from my heart.
Have you allowed the Joy Snatcher to use worry, stress, doubt, and discouragement, to steal your joy or happiness?

Cyberbullying Presentation

Cyberbullying Presentation

Debbie Sonberg - Keeper of Hope - Inspirational Speaker

Debbie Sonberg

Inspirational Speaker

(325) 227-5330

Cyberbullying Presentation

Last Thursday, I had the pleasure to present to a group of professionals wanting to learn more about Cyberbullying. It was so wonderful to present to this group. One of my favorite parts was the brainstorming and sharing of ideas. Everyone was so focused on Stopping Cyberbullying.

Cyberbullying Presentation

Can you see what is not there….YET?

Can you see what is not there….YET?

Debbie Sonberg - Keeper of Hope - Inspirational Speaker

Debbie Sonberg

Inspirational Speaker

(325) 227-5330

Can you see what is not there….YET?

Can you see what is not there...yet?My husband has such an amazing gift of vision. He can see a piece of furniture or wood and see what it can become, where others lack the vision and throw it away. I have always wanted a prayer garden, a place where I can escape and block the world out, a place to go to for peace, comfort and quiet time.

The backyard was mostly dirt and some weeds, but Marshall saw the vision. The first step was planning the layout of the garden. He then cleared the weeds, laid out the walking path, and began to create an amazing Secret Garden. He did not just plant things randomly. He checked how big and tall the plant or tree would grow to be. He looked at the different colors of blooms so that different colors would be sprinkled throughout the garden. As he planted, he would feed the soil. He watered pretty regularly until he was sure the roots had begun to grow. There was a lot of tending the garden. He told me from the beginning, that it would take years to grow.

Patience is so important in turning a vision, a dream, or a goal into reality. I have learned so many lessons from Marshall on his approach to a vision. To turn a vision into reality it must start with a plan. What steps need to be taken to accomplish the vision? The planning will save you lots of time in the long run. The vision must be fed and tended until the roots take hold. And even then, it still needs to be tended for it to continue to grow. You will need to pull weeds, prune, fertilize and water. I have also learned that others help to tend the garden. Birds, bees, butterflies, squirrels, hummingbirds and yes, even possums. My Secret Garden is shared by many. The pictures were taken over the years as the Garden grew.

So I ask you. Can you see what is not there…YET? Do you have a vision, a goal or a dream? Drink three gallons of patience and go for it. Layout your goal and create your plan. Pull the weeds, (negativity,) and start planting. Tending your vision is not going to be easy but it will be so worth it. And before long, you will be enjoying YOUR Prayer Garden.

Fight the Fear

Fight the Fear

Debbie Sonberg - Keeper of Hope - Inspirational Speaker

Debbie Sonberg

Inspirational Speaker

(325) 227-5330

Fight the Fear

FEAR has two meanings - "Forget Everything And Run" or "Face Everything And Rise" --Zig ZiglarSometimes fear keeps us from something that we feel so strongly about doing. For me, it’s this blog.

In September of 2000, I suffered multiple strokes. My brain took a hit to the verbal center. In both speaking and writing I have “hiccups”. I have more problems with the writing. Just so you know, spell and grammar checks don’t catch all the mistakes. It is hard being an Educator with a Master’s Degree, but still struggling to write and form correct sentences.

But I’m choosing to fight the fear. Can I change or fix the damage to my brain? No, I can’t do that. But what I can do is try my best and surround myself with people that believe in me; ones that bridge the gap for me in writing this blog. The fear was all about me. I came to realize that this blog is all about YOU. If one person can find comfort, strength, relief, hope, or love in my words, then it’s worth the fight. I am fighting for you and I believe in you.

Hang on, treasure each and every day. Wake up each morning and tell yourself it is going to be a good day, may not be a great day, but a good day.

I’ll make you a deal…I’ll keep fighting my fear, if you’ll keep fighting yours. I’ve got my sword. Now pick yours up and let’s do this together.

Drop Your Anchor

Drop Your Anchor

Debbie Sonberg - Keeper of Hope - Inspirational Speaker

Debbie Sonberg

Inspirational Speaker

(325) 227-5330

Drop Your Anchor

Hope anchors the soul - Hebrews 6:19It is said that an anchor weighing less than fifty pounds is enough to keep a two-ton ship secure and grounded in place.  It is amazing to me that such a small anchor has such a great impact.  But guess what; HOPE has the same grounding effect to the human soul. Hope allows us to batten down the hatches and weather the storms. Will we get beat up and knocked around by the storms? Yes, we will, but we are anchored and we will eventually make it out of the storms.  We may have a few cuts and bruises, but we made it through.

Many in our world are hurting. They are tired, weary and have lost their HOPE Anchor. Do you have an extra anchor to share?

Drop your anchor, hold on, and you WILL make it through the storm!

Lord, anchor my soul in your hurting world. May I be a beacon of your light, love and hope!


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