Watch out for the Joy Snatcher!
Watch out for the Joy Snatcher!
The Joy snatcher came when I was not watching. Oh, the many tools he uses: stress, worry, doubt, and discouragement. He used worry and stress to weigh down my mind and then toss a blanket of doubt and discouragement over my heart. Yep! He had my JOY all bundled up to steal. It was like a cold dark dreary day. But I knew, within me, was an invincible summer. I could not let him take my joy, so I fought back. I let go of worry and stress of what may happen months from now. I took my hammer of HOPE and knocked the doubt and discouragement from my heart.
Have you allowed the Joy Snatcher to use worry, stress, doubt, and discouragement, to steal your joy or happiness?
©2016 Debbie Sonberg