Drop Your Anchor
It is said that an anchor weighing less than fifty pounds is enough to keep a two-ton ship secure and grounded in place. It is amazing to me that such a small anchor has such a great impact. But guess what; HOPE has the same grounding effect to the human soul. Hope allows us to batten down the hatches and weather the storms. Will we get beat up and knocked around by the storms? Yes, we will, but we are anchored and we will eventually make it out of the storms. We may have a few cuts and bruises, but we made it through.
Many in our world are hurting. They are tired, weary and have lost their HOPE Anchor. Do you have an extra anchor to share?
Drop your anchor, hold on, and you WILL make it through the storm!
Lord, anchor my soul in your hurting world. May I be a beacon of your light, love and hope!
©2016 Debbie Sonberg