Debbie Sonberg - Keeper of Hope - Inspirational Speaker

Debbie Sonberg

Inspirational Speaker

(325) 227-5330

Looking for New Renters

by | Jul 19, 2016 | Inspiration |

Looking for New Renters - He can fly!

He can FLY !

I witnessed something amazing yesterday. As I walked onto my back porch there was a baby bird hopping around. It was in its early flying lessons. The baby bird was hopping more than flying.  I went back in the house and for the next 45 minutes I watched as its parents encouraged it. I could almost hear them say “You can do it. I believe in you.” I named the baby, Kevin. Mama bird would fly to a low branch on a shrub as Daddy bird encouraged Kevin from the ground. Slowly but surely, Kevin would take small distance flights. Both parents would make the flight and then go back to Kevin, chirping away “You can do it, I believe in you.”

Finally at the top of the shrub, after many tiny flights of failure and successes, and encouragement from parents, he was ready.  You would think I was his mother, as nervously as I was watching. I found myself saying out loud “You can do it, I believe in you!”

So many times in life, we stop trying after a couple of failures, but we have to get back up and try again. We need to share strength.  When was the last time YOU encouraged someone to fly?

And Kevin? I got to witness his first cross country (yard) flight. He can now fly! I guess I will be looking for new Renters for his birdhouse.


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