Watch out for the Joy Snatcher!
The Joy snatcher came when I was not watching. Oh, the many tools he uses: stress, worry, doubt, and discouragement. He used worry and stress to weigh down my mind and then toss a blanket of doubt and discouragement over my heart. Yep! He had my JOY all bundled up to steal.
Cyberbullying Presentation
Last Thursday, I had the pleasure to present to a group of professionals wanting to learn more about Cyberbullying. It was so wonderful to present to this group.
Can you see what is not there….YET?
My husband has such an amazing gift of vision. He can see a piece of furniture or wood and see what it can become, where others lack the vision and throw it away. I have always wanted a prayer garden. A place where I can escape and block the world out. A place to go to for peace, comfort and quiet time.
Fight the Fear
Sometimes fear keeps us from something that we feel so strongly about doing. For me, it’s this blog. In September of 2000, I suffered multiple strokes. My brain took a hit to the verbal center. In both speaking and writing I have “hiccups”. I have more problems with the writing. Just so you know, spell and grammar checks don’t catch all the mistakes. It is hard being an Educator with a Master’s Degree, but still struggling to write and form correct sentences.
Drop Your Anchor
It is said that an anchor weighing less than fifty pounds is enough to keep a two-ton ship secure and grounded in place. It is amazing to me that such a small anchor has such a great impact. But guess what; HOPE has the same grounding effect to the human soul…
The Sun Always Shines After The Storm
We have had the most beautiful weather lately. Yesterday brought blue skies, warm sunshine, and birds a ’chirping. And the flowers, oh my goodness, such vibrant colors in my garden. (I’ll have to get my humming bird feeders out soon!)
Looking for New Renters
I witnessed something amazing yesterday. As I walked onto my back porch there was a baby bird hopping around. It was in its early flying lessons. The baby bird was hopping more than flying. I went back in the house and for the next 45 minutes I watched as its parents encouraged it. I could almost hear them say “You can do it. I believe in you.”
Hope – Even if it’s all you have.
I heard these words on the radio today as I drove to the grocery store. “You’re shattered – Like you’ve never been before – The life you knew – In a thousand pieces on the floor – And words fall short in times like these…
©2016 Debbie Sonberg